【Rice Agri-Food Education】9 Popular, Must-Try Rice Varieties In Taiwan
Toggle前言/ Introduction
Rice has different characteristics in different time and space backgrounds, such as the pursuit of yield in the early stage, and the breeding goal is to solve the problem of grain shortage. With the saturation of rice supply and the decline in the amount of rice eaten by the public, breeders have begun to improve the quality of rice. The following varieties are from breeders , farmers’ efforts, so that we can eat hard-won, delicious rice.

台梗9號/ Taiken No.9
Rice grains are plump, round and shiny, with good taste and storage resistance. Due to the low content of amylose and crude protein, the taste is sticky and chewy, both cold and hot rice are delicious. One of the most popular rice for Taiwanese, the cultivation area has expanded to the whole Taiwan. Breeding from Hokuriku No. 100 as the female parent, high yield can be obtained without using too much nitrogen fertilizer.

台梗2號/ Taiken No.2
The rice grains are large, the transparency is high, the taste is perfect, not too soft and not too hard. It is often selected for the national famous rice origin championship. It has the characteristics of resistance to various pests and diseases and good fertilizer efficiency. It is a variety suitable for labor-saving cultivation, and it is also the variety with the most extensive planting area of organic cultivation.

台中秈10號/ Taichung Sen No. 10
米粒外觀飽滿、口感軟Q,該品種約占80% 秈稻栽培面積,可是秈稻的領先品種唷!
The rice grains are plump in appearance and soft in taste. This variety accounts for about 80% of the cultivated area of indica rice, it is the leading variety of indica rice!
After the 1930s, the taste of rice favored by Taiwanese gradually changed from indica rice to japonica rice. Indica rice has a harder taste and lower viscosity, and is suitable for processing, making rice cakes, rice moss, etc. Taichung Sen No. 10 is cultivated by Taichung Agricultural Improvement Farm, which improves the cold-resistant characteristics of general indica rice, and has the soft and chewy test of japonica rice.
Guli Cooperative tries to grow different varieties of rice in each year, and this year Jiada is planting Taichung Sen No. 10. If you want to eat Taichung Sen No. 10, you are welcome to order it!

台南 11號/ Tainan No.11
The appearance is crystal clear, with little chalky kernel, and high rate of complete rice. It is often used as sushi rice. It is a constant winner of the “National Famous Rice Origin Championship”. The taste value is not lower than Taiken No.9. It is one of the favorite rice balls used by Taiwanese supermarkets along with Taiken No.9. The appearance and taste are also loved by the Japanese market!

高雄145號/ Kaohsiung No.145
而高雄145號是怎麼來的呢? 高雄139號雖食味佳,但稍有心腹白,因此有「醜美人」之稱;而日本絹光米風味佳,甚至與月光米齊名。高雄145號是由高雄139和日本絹光米進行雜交選育而來,主要目的是改良高雄139外觀不佳的問題。
The appearance is crystal clear, the chalky kernel rate is low, the storage is stable, and the taste of both hot and cold rice is good. It has won the honor of “Top Ten Classic Good Rice” for many times, and the cultivation area has also increased.
And how did Kaohsiung No.145 come to be? Although Kaohsiung No.139 tastes good, it has a little confidant, so it is called “ugly beauty”; and Japanese Koshihikari has a good flavor, even as famous as moonlight rice. Kaohsiung No. 145 is a cross breeding of Kaohsiung No.139 and Japanese Koshihikari. The main purpose is to improve the poor appearance of Kaohsiung No.139.

越光米/ Koshihikari
The appearance is crystal clear, the taste is sticky, soft and elastic, the taste is good, and it can retain the elastic taste after cooling, which is especially suitable for making sushi. Koshihikari rice is native to Japan and is the imperial rice of the Japanese emperor. However, because it is sensitive to sunlight, planted in Taiwan, it is prone to early heading and flowering, the taste becomes harder, and the yield is unstable, so farmers are not willing to plant it.

台南16號/ Tainan No.16
外觀晶瑩剔透,口感軟Q,適合做壽司。越光米的口感、食味俱佳,原產地在日本,但因為對日照敏感,在台灣適應不良,口感偏硬且產量不多。於是台南改良場與台大農藝系合作,選育出口感與越光米一樣好,而且適合台灣環境的台南16號,產量高於越光米約 30% 以上,「台版越光米」就此誕生囉。
The appearance is crystal clear and the taste is soft and chewy, suitable for making sushi. Japanese Koshihikari rice has good taste. It is from Japan, but because it is sensitive to sunlight, it is not suitable for adaptation in Taiwan. The taste is hard and the output is not much. Therefore, Tainan Improvement Farm cooperated with the Department of Agronomy of National Taiwan University to select Tainan No.16, which is as good as Koshihikari rice and suitable for Taiwan’s environment. The output is about 30% higher than that of Koshihikari rice.

台農71號(益全香米)/ Tai Nong No. 71
台農71號是怎麼來的呢? 原本台梗4號具有香氣但外觀不討喜,而日本絹光米風味佳、與越光米齊名,兩者雜交選育而誕生了台農71號。
Tai Nong No. 71 (Yiquan Fragrant Rice)
The appearance is crystal clear, plump and round, with good stickiness and elasticity, and the rice has a strong aroma of taro.
How did Tai Nong No. 71 come from? Originally, Taiken No. 4 had an aroma but an unpleasant appearance, while Japanese silk rice had a good flavor and was as famous as Koshihikari rice. The two were crossed to give birth to Tai Nong No. 71.
Tai Nong No. 71 was cultivated by the team led by Dr. Guo Yiquan in the 1980s. It took 9 years of improvement before it was registered and named in 1989. However, on the eve of the publication, Dr. Guo passed away due to overwork, so to honor and remember Dr. Guo, this variety of rice was named “Yiquan Fragrant Rice”.

桃園3號 (新香米)/ Taoyuan No.3
Taoyuan No.3 (New Fragrant Rice)
The grains of rice are large, with good appearance and taste. Both cold and hot rice are sticky and elastic, and can be used as sushi rice. Both brown rice and white rice have the aroma of taro, also known as “new fragrant rice”. It was cultivated by cross-breeding Tai Nong No. 4, which has high yield but slightly higher white rate, and Tai Nong No. 2, which is resistant to rice fever. The breeding site is in Xinwu Township, Taoyuan County. Xinwu Township’s “Xinxiang Rice” has also won the honor of the top ten classic rice producing areas in the country for many times.

心腹白& 白堊質粒/ Heart-Belly-White Rice & Chalk grain
- 心腹白:指米粒的側邊有些微白色的邊,這是因為氣候影響而產生的,有時候有,有時候沒有。
- 白堊質粒:就是俗話說的「白粒米」,是未成熟的米粒,外觀上可能整顆是白色或大面積是白色,可食用但口感不佳。
通常品質越高的米, 白堊質粒的比例就越低。而心腹白因為無法篩選,遇到氣候不佳的產期,可能出現較多的心腹白米粒。
*Heart-Belly-White Rice:
There are two common white appearances in white rice – Heart-Belly-White Rice and chalky grain.
- Heart-Belly-White Rice: Refers to the slightly white side of the rice grain, which is caused by the influence of climate, sometimes there is, sometimes not.
- Chalk grain: It is the so-called “white grain rice”, which is an immature rice grain, which may be white in appearance or in large areas. It is edible but has a poor taste.
Generally, the higher the quality of rice, the lower the proportion of chalky grains. And because the heart-belly-white rice cannot be screened, there may be more heart-belly-white rice grains when the weather is not good.
Because of Taiwan’s unique environment and climate, this fertile land can breed so many delicious foods. But don’t forget that every bite of rice we eat is backed by a group of breeders who have put a lot of effort and time into improving varieties to protect the bowl of rice that you and I hold in our hands.

【米雙語食農教育】系列文章 Rice Agri-Food Education: Series Of Articles
Welcome to indicate the source and share the articles, and also welcome to book a rice culture experience tour with us!
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