
【Rice Agri-Food Education】Rice’s life & The Two Stage of Rice Harvesting in Taiwan

水稻的一生Rice’s life


  1. 營養生長期:自己逐漸長大的時期。又可分為生育期、秧苗期、分蘗(ㄅㄛˋ)期。
  2. 生殖生長期:留下後代的時期。又可分為幼穗形成期、孕穗期、抽穗期、成熟期。


The life of rice can be divided into two periods: the vegetative growth period and the reproductive growth period.

1. Vegetative growth period: The period when oneself grow up gradually. It can be divided into growth period, seedling period, tillering period.

2. Reproductive growth period: The period in which offspring are left behind. It can be divided into young ear formation stage, booting stage, heading stage and maturity stage.

Do you think it’s a bit complicated? Don’t worry, let’s get to know each growth period well!


營養生長期(45-60天)Vegetative growth period

  1. 生育期:撒在育苗箱裡的稻子,大約 2- 3 天就會發芽。
  2. 秧苗期:水稻在 20- 25天就會長到 13- 15公分,這時就可以插秧了,將秧苗移植到水田。
  3. 分蘗(ㄅㄛˋ)期:插秧後的 10- 20 天,秧苗的根就會長出新的莖,這個就是「分蘗(ㄅㄛˋ)」。而剛剛插秧的秧苗雖然還站不太穩,但因為不斷分蘗,莖還會再增加 20- 25 支,根也會越來越牢固。

Vegetative growth period (45-60 days)

1. Growth period: The rice sown in the nursery box will germinate in about 2-3 days.

2. Seedling stage: The rice will grow to 13-15 cm in 20-25 days. At this time, you can transplant the seedlings to the paddy field.

3. Tillering period: 10-20 days after planting, the roots of the seedlings will grow new stems, this is “tillering “. Although the newly transplanted seedlings are still not stable, due to continuous tillering, the stems will increase by another 20-25 branches, and the roots will become stronger and stronger.


生殖生長期(60-80天)Reproductive growth period

  1. 幼穗形成期:過了分蘗期以後,莖的內部會長出幼穗,也就是稻穗的小嬰兒。
  2. 孕穗期:幼穗慢慢長大的這個期間,就稱為孕穗期。從幼穗形成期到孕穗期,大約是 24- 25天。
  3. 抽穗期:此時稻穗冒出頭,過幾天後,綠色的稻穗就會開出小花,花授粉後,米粒就會變得越來越飽滿。
  4. 成熟期:抽穗後的 35- 40 天,會發現飽滿的稻穗垂下頭,水稻的莖也陸續轉黃後,稻殼也會變成黃色,這個時候就可收成啦!也可以從一串稻穗來判斷,當我們看到一串稻穗有八成已經轉黃熟時,就是差不多可以收割的狀態了!


Reproductive growth period (60-80 days)

1. Young ear formation stage: After the tillering stage, young ears will grow inside the stem, which is the baby of the rice ear.

2. Booting stage: The period when the young ear grows slowly is called the booting stage. From ear formation stage to booting stage, it is about 24-25 days.

3. Heading stage: At this time, the ears of rice will emerge. After a few days, the green ears of rice will bloom with small flowers. After the flowers are pollinated, the rice grains will become more and more full.

4. Maturity period: 35-40 days after heading, you will find that the full rice ears hang down, and the rice husks will turn yellow, and you can harvest at this time!


台灣二期稻作 The two stage of rice harvesting in Taiwan

台灣位於熱帶嶼亞熱帶地區之間,氣溫較高且雨量充沛,一年中適合水稻生長的季節大約有 10 個月以上。所以每年可種植兩期水稻喔!

  1. 第一期稻作:在 2 ~ 6 月左右,收成所需天數為 110- 140 天左右,產量比較多。
  2. 第二期稻作:在 7 ~ 11 月左右,在第一期稻作收割以後的 15- 20 天插秧,收成所需天數大約是 100- 110 天左右,期間比較短。一般的水稻品種的適應溫度是 27°C,二期稻作因為氣溫較高,影響了土壤溫度和水溫,收成會比第一期少。

 The two stage of rice harvesting in Taiwan

Taiwan is located between tropical islands and subtropical regions, with relatively high temperatures and abundant rainfall. There are more than 10 months of the year suitable for rice growth. Therefore, farmers can harvest twice a year!

  1. The first stage of rice cropping: from February to June, the number of days required for harvest is about 110-140 days, and the amount of feeling is relatively large.
  2. The second stage of rice crops: From July to November, the rice is transplanted 15-20 days after the first stage of rice crops is harvested. The number of days required for the harvest is about 100-110 days, and the period is relatively short. The adaptation temperature of general rice varieties is 27°C. Because of the higher temperature in the second phase of rice, the soil temperature and water temperature are affected, and the harvest will be less than that in the first stage.

【米雙語食農教育】系列文章 Rice Agri-Food Education: Series Of Articles

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